Pied Wagtail

Hi Everyone! Today I am going to post on the Pied Wagtail. I see about 20 of them everyday whilst I am at school. So on with the information...

The Pied Wagtail is a small, long-tailed, sprightly, black and white bird often seen in urban places. They are normally seen wagging their tails frantically up and down. It frequently calls when in flight and often forms large roosts in city centres. They can be found across the UK and are best looked for near water and in most habitats. They have a sharp, pointed beak which is ideal for jabbing at insects.

I thought I would include one of my paintings today:

Pied Wagtail
I also thought I would mention that Winterwatch is on today at 9:00 on BBC2 (I have been looking forward to it for ages!) 

Thanks for reading!


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