Another cold day at Pulborough Brooks

Hi Everyone, today I went to RSPB Pulborough Brooks, It was a very cold day so I only spent a few hours there.Walking down to the hide I saw a flock of Fieldfares.

 As I went into the hide the water levels were very high.

Most of the birds were in the distance, so I could just about identify some of them. A flock of 15 pied wagtails were flying around. There was a gaggle of over 100 canada geese and 5 lapwings. Coming into land were 3 mute swans, with 2 being juveniles. 

Walking back to the vistor centre for a nice hot chocolate, I saw 10 carrion crow, 2 robins, 3 blackbird and a coot. As there are bird feeders at the visitor centre I stayed there. There was a coal tit, 5 great tit, 10 blue tit and a willow tit. I also saw 2 great spotted woodpeckers and 8 of the still declining House Sparrows.

House Sparrow

I also would to share with you a link to my photo that was shortlisted for the British Wildlife Centre Photography competition. It is on the mail online:


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