
Today I went to Warnham Nature Reserve in Horsham. 

In the first hide I saw about 8 Tufted Ducks as well as coot. In the Woodpecker Hide there was lots of activity. There was 5 reed buntings (2 male, 3 female) flitting around, about 20 Chaffinches feeding on the ground, 10 Goldfinches on the feeders and 3 Long-Tailed Tits. I also had a very close encounter with a wren which was feeding on tiny insects amongst the vegetation. 

Male Reed Bunting

Female Reed Bunting
After that I visited the last hide which is on the lake. To my right in the distance I could see two Great Crested Grebes displaying to each other (a post up about that soon!) as well as a single Greylag Goose and the usual 3 Cormorants sunbathing in the trees.

Great Crested Grebes in the distance
As I went back in the Woodpecker Hide there was a cheeky little mouse that kept popping in and out of a tree stump in front of me.


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