
Hi everyone! Today I visited Warnham Nature Reserve. 

In the first hide was a striking male Mandarin, a pair of Teal as well as 3 Mallards. As I was walking to the next hide there was a another 3 Mallards resting in the sun on the grass. I took this opportunity to get close up to them and take some photos.

In the second hide was about 10 Goldfinches squabbling on the feeders and 2 Long-Tailed Tits feeding on some suet that had been left out. I also saw a Wren, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Blackbird, Robin and surprisingly a rat feasting on the bird seed that had fallen from the feeders.

Walking back I heard the unmistakable call of the Chiffchaff, looking up into the trees there it was with its plumage looking amazing in the sun. Going back into the first hide again there was a group of about 20 Tufted Ducks. Suddenly there was the call of the Kingfisher and 5 Seconds later it whizzed past. Appearing from nowhere a Great Crested Grebe came up from the water and then disappeared again. A Mute swan swam by and clambered up the bank before preening itself.

Thanks for reading!


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