Second week of #30dayswild

After another day of great weather it's time to update you on how I've been doing for the second week of #30dayswild! Although it's been tricky to fit in because I've been busy once again, I have found it surprisingly relaxing to de-stress in nature after a hectic day at school for example. Just five minutes in the garden listening to bird song or a walk around my local park can really help!

Day 9: A wonderful walk around Tilgate Park with a particuarly buzzy bee making an appearance!

Day 10: A visit to the shops doesn't always mean no wildlife, lots of starlings chattered away in the trees and, my not so favourite birds, pigeons fed on food that had been dropped.

Day 11: My most favourite day of 30 days wild so far and surprisingly my first ever twitch! We travelled down to Pagham Habour, West Sussex to try and see the elegant tern that had been reported there. After a long drive and walk I eventually managed to see it thanks to one of 100s of birders down there showing me, even if it was for about 10 seconds before it flew off!

The bird with the orange beak!

Lapwing photographed at Pagham

Day 12: My home-grown strawberries are nearly ready to pick!

Day 13: After a day of feeling under the weather a walk around Tilgate Park offered a rather noisy jay and chiffchaffs singing at the top of the trees.

Day 14: Whilst walking the dog I was quite surprised to see a green woodpecker fly across my path as well as chaffinches chirping in the trees, showing wildlife can appear anywhere and at anytime!

Day 15: I sowed the wildflower seeds that were provided in the 30 days wild pack, not sure if they will take or not but it's worth a try! Wildflowers are vital for our pollinators (bees, butterflies etc) which is why planting them in your garden can really make a difference.

Day 16: I visited my local country park after school to walk the dog, whilst immersing myself in the quietness of nature and admiring the enormous trees that are there!

Day 17 (today): Today it was very hot and I spent most of the day in the garden. Whilst staring up at the clouds 3 buzzards soared over as well as 6 swifts which I wasn't expecting!


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