30 days wild 2017!

Today marks the 1st of June and of course the first day of 30 days wild, a challenge run by the Wildlife Trusts. For every day of the month you need to do something wild! This can range from a simple task of taking a 5 minute break out of school or work to listen to bird song or a trip to a nature reserve around you. This is a great idea because it reminds you to stay connected with nature even on busy days!

I have decided to take part this year and I am looking forward to keeping you updated with photos, blogs and tweets (@MyaBambrick1)! Although it will be difficult due to school work I am hoping to blog at the end of each week to show you what I have been up to.

Day 1

Today I started the challenge at home, checking out my garden to see how my plants are getting on. I have a rather compact garden but have managed to squeeze in more plants that ever this year. This shows that whatever size outside space you have you can always grow something and do your bit for nature!

This year for the first time I have grown a few fruit and veg, using hanging baskets. These include strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes grown in a bag as well as pollinator-friendly flowers.




Pollinator-friendly flowers
The garden has also crept its way into the kitchen, which you could say my mum is not too pleased about! These are chives and sunflower seedlings.

Chives and sunflower seedlings

Finally I put out bird food in the form of suet pellets and peanuts as well as fresh, clean water. I put out food and water all year round despite people saying you don't need to in the summer. 

bird feeders and water


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