Brilliant Views in my New Scope!

Yesterday morning, after a change of plan about ringing I decided to spend a couple of hours at RSPB Pulborough Brooks testing out my new Opticron scope that I got for my birthday.

After walking through the visitor centre we headed down to the first hide, a very friendly Robin sat on a branch overhanging the path, surprisingly not spooked by me walking past! From the first hide I spotted a Male Stonechat, perched on the top of some brambles as well as 100s of Canada and Greylag Geese in the distance. The next hide was quite quiet with only a Buzzard making an appearance.

However in the following hide I did spot a Male Kestrel in the distance perched on a post.
From Hanger View, which looks over the majority of the wetland areas I had great views of Widgeon and lots of Lapwing which suddenly rose to the air. Unsurprisingly they had been spooked by a Peregrine Falcon which was sat in the tree next to us.

Peregrine Falcon

With my scope I got brilliant views and too add to my excitement TV presenter Naomi Wilkinson was stood next to me having a guided tour around the reserve and admiring the same bird!


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