WWT Arundel

Hi everyone! Yesterday I visited WWT Arundel.

As it was a very sunny bank holiday it was extremely busy although I did see lots of birds as well!
Firstly I headed down to the reedbed loop as normally at this time of year Reed Warblers can be heard and sometimes seen. When I got down there that was exactly what I heard. Joining the bubbling sound of the Reed Warbler call was another similar one but it was slightly different. It sounded very close as it was extremely loud. Then in front of me was a small bird the size of a Reed Warbler but in fact it was a Sedge Warbler. I thought its flight was very strange, as it flew into the sky and then slowly dived back down into the reeds.

Sedge Warbler
 Heading back for lunch I saw a coot nest with what looked like day old chicks.

Coot with its young

There were lots of ducklings and goslings around! One Mallard had over 10 ducklings!

Mallard duckling

Then perched in the trees singing its melodious song was a blackcap.

A flock of goldfinches flew from tree to tree. Entering the sand martin hide a huge group of Black-headed gulls were flying around noisily with a few sat on there nests.

In the last hide there was a lot of activity. Greylag Geese flew in as well as Lapwing flying in the sky, 2 of them squabbling. In the distance a Kestrel hovered then flying closer it disappeared behind some trees. There was also just one Pochard and lots of Tufted Duck. Then flying in from no where was what looked like some sought of wader, with a long bill and black and white plumage. I took a photo of it and realised it was a pair of Oystercatcher. For me it was a surprise to see them and I was quite excited as it was the first time I had seen them.

Record shot of an Oystercatcher


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