Take part in our bright future campaign!

Being a young person who has a strong interest in wildlife and the environment I believe it is so important for other young people to be interested as well. Not only does it benefit wildlife and the environment but it has its benefits for us as well. Just being outdoors in nature has been proved to be good for you. Therefore I am glad to be supporting the 'Our Bright Future' campaign. Here's some more information about it:

'Our Bright Future is an ambitious and innovative partnership led by The Wildlife Trusts which brings together the youth and environmental sectors. This £33 million programme funded by the National Lottery through the Big Lottery Fund is formed of 31 projects across the UK. Each project is helping young people aged 11-24 gain vital skills and experience and improve their wellbeing. At the same time, they act as catalysts for delivering change for their local environment and community; whilst contributing to a greener economy.'
Recently they launched the #owningit campaign which aims to inspire more young people to take actions to help the environment. I am looking forward to taking part in this and as a big social media and internet user its so easy! You can take part too by adding the #owningit to any tweets to do with appreciating or helping nature. These could be about anything from a nature walk, a day birding or putting a bird feeder in the garden.

Personally I try my best to do my bit for nature. I take part in bird ringing which helps monitor bird populations and collects information about their movements, I try and get outdoors, to a nature reserve for example, every weekend and blog about these visits, hoping to inspire other people to get outdoors as well.

However, whilst taking part in the #owningit campaign I am hoping to do more for the environment and nature, whilst hoping to inspire other young people through my social media and blog along the way!


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