Seven Sisters Country Park

Today I spent a very sunny and warm day at Seven Sisters Country Park in Seaford, East Sussex. This country park covers 280 hectares of Chalk cliffs, meandering river valley and open chalk grassland. It is well know due to its amazing chalk cliffs.

Walking along the river their were many Cormorants (11), 2 Grey Heron and 2 Little Egret as well as a group of 14 Little Grebes. Singing on the wire there was a lovely Meadow Pipit. I heard it singing all the time I was there!

Meadow Pipit
As we walked towards the beach a group of 40 Curlew (my first Curlews) flew over. They were singing loudly as they went over and their curved beaks really made them stand out.

Incoming Curlews
I also saw my first Rock Pipits, there were about 5 of them flying all around the park! One landed right in front of me and I managed to snap a photo.

Rock Pipit

There were also many Greenfinches in the bushes as well as a pair of Stonechats. After arriving at the beach and eating our lunch, my Mum, my dog Willow and I managed to walk up to the top of the cliffs. The view was amazing!

Thanks for reading!


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