Fishlake Meadows, Hampshire

On Wednesday I made the 2 hour train journey down to Romsey in Hampshire to meet up with Tom Saunders (@TommySaunders19) and walk around Fishlake Meadows nature reserve. After a short walk from the train station we made it to a viewpoint which looks over the lake.

Fishlake Meadows

From the viewpoint we could see a great crested grebe with chicks, greylag and canada geese and lots of hirundines. Then an adult hobby appeared in the distance, gracefully swooping in the air as it attempted to catch insects in flight. A few minutes later a huge white bird flew towards us and as it got closer it was clear it was a great white egret.

(©️Tom Saunders)

We then walked along the canal path and to our surprise a nightingale flew into some vegetation in front of us, giving brief views before disappearing. Further along the path, a kingfisher dived into the reeds and we could hear the squealing call of a water rail. Also we spotted a cormorant as it flew down onto the lake as well as a kestrel hovering in the sky. A cetti's warbler then announced its presence with its loud call. We then walked down a path that went through the reeds, and a reed warbler flew across the path. As we approached another viewpoint that looked over the water a kingfisher was perched right in front but unfortunately as soon as we got closer it quickly flew off.  

After walking around the rest of the reserve, to where we started, we walked backed to the station. On the way back, whilst walking through the houses to get there, a massive bird of prey flew overhead, it was an osprey! It was nice to end the day with a lifer that I've been waiting to see for ages!

(©️Tom Saunders)


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