Warnham Nature Reserve

Today I went to Warnham Nature Reserve to try out my new lens.

First of all I went into the Woodpecker Hide (the feeders). There were much more birds than there was last time, as it is coming towards winter and getting colder. Species I saw were the usual Blue, Great and 1 Coal Tit, Chaffinch, Robin, Wren and 2 Nuthatch. The Nuthatch kept on squabbling with the Chaffinches over the food!

 Then we went to the Heron Hide and unsurprisingly I saw 3 Grey Herons. One came right at the right time to get a photo!

Then the sound of the Kingfisher echoed around the lake and we were treated to the Kingfisher perching and diving in front of us. 2 in fact were circling around the lake.

A Great Crested Grebe and its very noisy chick were also on the lake as well as 2 Mute Swan. Whilst waiting for the Kingfisher I saw what looked like a frog in the corner of my eye. Looking through my camera, coming out from the weed was a Grass Snake!! This was the first time I had seen one on the water so I was quite surprised. It looked so weird slithering all the way across the lake!

In the trees above the hide appeared a Chiffchaff (I don't think it noticed us!) It posed for photos very well!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Great photos. I love the ones of the kingfisher. Great seeing the grass snake.


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