RSPB Pulborough Brooks

Today I went to RSPB Pulborough Brooks.

On the way there I saw a Red Kite, It flew directly above my car. Its great to see Red Kites in the South East now, as when I was younger you never saw them at all. 

On the way to the hides I saw and heard lots of Swifts screaming in the sky, a real sign of summer for me. In the first hide were a lot of Lapwing acrobatically flying and Shelduck with young. As I was walking to the next hide a Chiffchaff appeared in a tree in front of me.

Next I went to see what a couple of people where looking at in the bracken (I had an idea what it was going to be) and I was right, they told me it was a female Adder. This was the first time I had seen one in the wild. It lay curled up in front of me, basking in the sun.

In the next hide was 2 Little Egret and a Moorhen. Following this I went to look at the viewing area that looks over almost all of the reserve. There was at least 10 Mute Swan in the distance. Then a Green Woodpecker flew past, fortunately it didn't have a weasel on its back! ;) I also saw a beautiful male Linnet and a Whitethroat. As well as this there were lots of Starlings around with 1 juvenile. A Wren also appeared right in front of me and sang its heart out. 

Thanks for reading!


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