Visit to Pagham cut short!

Yesterday I visited Pagham harbour and Church Norton. Whilst the weather was not great on the journey there, I was hoping it would brighten up later on in the day. Well I was wrong and my mum and I got soaking wet!

Starting of at RSPB Pagham Harbour Nature Reserve, I had a quick look to see what was on Ferry Pool. There was 2 avocets swishing there beaks from side to side in the water, catching tiny morsels before they flew off. 2 Common Terns were sat on the ground, beside the water. They elegantly lifted into the air before flying around, with one landing on a pole.

Common Tern (awful photo due to the lack of light)
Also there were a couple of Lapwing, Shelduck and Black-Tailed Godwit. We then drove to Church Norton, which is when the weather took a turn for the worse! Battling the wind we tried to walk along the beach, whilst keeping a look out out to sea for anything that could be passing by. A few cormorants coming in to land was the best species I could see. However a pair of Wheatear I spotted on the beach, proved difficult to photograph! I eventually managed to get a shot of the female...

Female Wheatear
As we sat down for lunch, the weather started to turn ever more gloomy and the rain started, meaning we had to quickly walk back to the car park where there were thankfully trees for some cover. Before doing so I braved the awful weather to have another quick look through my scope. I spotted 4 Ringed Plover, one giving good views as it hunkered down from the rain.

As we drove back from Church Norton, I unexpectedly spotted a Red-Legged Partridge at the side of the road!



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