Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! A summary of 2017...

With Christmas being only a day away and 2017 drawing to a close its time to reflect on what I've done and achieved this year. January I was pleased to have been able to write an article in New Nature, a newly founded magazine which is written by young naturalists. I also finally managed to see Waxwings, a beautiful bird that breeds in Scandinavia. February My favourite photo this year was taken in February, of a robin in a snow flurry at RSPB Pulborough Brooks. This month I managed to go birding a lot, seeing barnacle and white-fronted geese for the first time at Cuckmere Haven. March In March I saw a drake goldeneye, which was a lifer! I also was lucky enough to write another article in New Nature magazine, called 'why is birdwatching uncool?' and I wrote a blog for Wildlife Watch (Junior branch of the Wildlife Trusts) on finding nature in urban areas. April I launched my photography website thanks to Zenfolio and visited Old Lodge Na...